¿Cómo mejorar el VO2max?
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[Whitepaper] Assessment of ventilatory thresholds for zone training: Can they be obtained outside the laboratory?
Do you want to know what options exist to assess ventilatory thresholds and how you could do it on your own? In the whitepaper “Assessment of ventilatory thresholds for zone training: Can they be obtained outside the laboratory?” our Sports Specialist, Consuelo Soto, explains the benefits of zone training, how professionals do it and how …
Does it make any difference how you train?
This recent systematic review evaluated the use of different training methodologies, considering training intensity distribution (TID) as the key factor to optimising performance in middle and long-distance runners. The study included 20 articles and determined that the literature recognizes 3 predominant types of TID, which can be subdivided into polarized, pyramidal and threshold models. The …
Did you know that all people who train based on their thresholds increase their VO2max?
Among the components of the exercise prescription, intensity is arguably the most important. If the intensity is too low, there may be no effect after training and if the intensity is too high it can lead to overtraining. The traditional way of prescribing exercise has been based on percentages of heart rate reserve (HRR) or …
Read more “Did you know that all people who train based on their thresholds increase their VO2max?”
¿Da lo mismo cómo entrenar?
Esta reciente revisión sistemática evaluó el uso de distintas metodologías de entrenamiento, considerando la distribución de la intensidad de entrenamiento (TID por sus siglas en inglés) como el factor clave para optimizar el rendimiento en corredores de medias y largas distancias. El estudio incluyó 20 artículos y determinó que la literatura reconoce 3 tipos predominantes …